Welcome to week 6! Even if you are win-less, you’re still in it. Just don’t lose again!

If you are undefeated, it may be time to start thinking long-term and less week-to-week. Maybe pick up the good players on bye-week that your league-mates dropped and stash them on your bench. Maybe pick up a defense or kicker that has good match-ups during your league’s playoffs. Work the desperation differential -those league-mates who need wins now will trade for players with a good matchup this week, even if it weakens their team in the long run. As Daryl Morey (I know, wrong sport) put it, “You’re either in the weapons race or on the sidelines!”

Custom gold-mining charts (that are specific to your league settings) are now available in our app. They are calculated slightly differently -using the top and bottom deciles for the error bars instead of the pseudomedian confidence interval. Visit our app and set up an account to input your league settings.

The graphs below summarize the projections from a variety of sources. This week’s summary includes projections from: CBS: CBS Average, NFL, FantasyPros, ESPN and FFToday. The data for this article was collected on 10/11/17. For more details on WR gold mining and how to interpret the graphs above, see Chad’s post explaining gold mining .

Projection Table