Welcome to week 5!

Custom gold-mining charts (that are specific to your league settings) are now available in our app. They are calculated slightly differently -using the top and bottom deciles for the error bars instead of the pseudomedian confidence interval. Visit our app and set up an account to input your league settings.

The graphs below summarize the projections from a variety of sources. This week’s summary includes projections from: CBS: CBS Average, FantasyPros, FantasySharks, NFL, FFToday, NumberFire and FleaFlicker. The data for this article was collected on 10/09/21. For more details on WR gold mining and how to interpret the graphs above, see Chad’s post explaining gold mining .

Projection Table

Projection Graphs Standard Leagues


Standard Scoring League Running Backs

From the graph below notice that:

  • Mike Davis, Elijah Mitchell, Alexander Mattison, Trey Sermon and Ty’Son Williams are the five players with the largest upside (as measured from their (pseudo)medians). For these players, some projections are placing much higher valuations than others. If you are projected to lose this week by quite a few points and are looking for a risky play that may tip the balance in your favor, these are players to consider.
  • Aaron Jones, Cordarrelle Patterson, Kenyan Drake, Jeremy McNichols and Ty Johnson are the players with the smallest downside, which suggests that while their median projection might not be great, there is less uncertainty concerning how poorly they may perform. So, if you are likely to win by a lot and want to reduce your downside risk, these players may deserve extra attention.
  • On the other hand, Dalvin Cook, Alex Collins, Elijah Mitchell, Chase Edmonds and Trey Sermon are the five players with the largest downside this week. If you are planning on starting them, it may be prudent to investigate why some projections have such low expectations for these players.