Gold-Mining – Week 6



  1. Christian R says:

    Is Cameron Meredith, going to have a similar game like last week?

  2. Crocskin H says:

    Hey Michael,

    The projection app has been down for the past week, it’s just blank and doesn’t show any data. The icons are clickable but they don’t do anything when clicked. Any ideas when this’ll be fixed? I’ve tried in both Chrome and IE. Thanks for any help you can give! Love the site and use the projection app weekly to take down my leagues!!

  3. Patt the Penguin says:

    I am unable to get access to the app too. I am a subscriber and have been unable to use all week.

    • Val Pinskiy says:

      Sorry for the trouble. Here is our trouble shooting page:

      Can you provide some more detail on your error so we can look into it?

      • Patt the Penguin says:

        I used to go to the projections page of the app and login or be automatically login. Now I am not logged in and nothing happens when I click login. There is also no data displayed on the page. I have tried this on a Mac with Safari and Chrome. I have also used Explorer on a PC. It is the same for all platforms across those OSs.

        I don’t believe it is a user issue since I have not even used the app in two of the three browsers above. And I have never used it on a PC before. This has been true all week now. And from what I read above, other users are having the issue as well.

        • Have you tried using Google Chrome in Incognito mode after clearing Google Chrome’s cache (and all of the other suggestions here: That worked for another user. Otherwise, we’d need more info to reproduce, because none of the members of our team can reproduce what you’re experiencing, unfortunately.

          • Patt the Penguin says:

            It works now in all environments listed above. I didn’t do anything. It just works.

            I know you could not reproduce, but it was clearly on your side. I am just letting you know because I like the information and hope you can chase the platform’s bugs down. Good luck!

          • We haven’t made any changes yet (because we can’t reproduce and don’t know how to fix), so it’s not clear to me why it’s now working for you (and wasn’t in the past). Glad to hear that it works for you! Let us know if you have any idea what may have changed.


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