Gold-Mining Week 2 (2018)



  1. Tom says:

    Out of curiosity, what determines the projection sources that go into each week’s FFA projections? i.e., Why only 4 sources last week and many more this week?

  2. TJ says:

    Still learning how to use the tools here, but what is the difference between regular, weighted and robust when it comes to getting these projections?

  3. tj says:

    Trying to use the weekly optimizer and it keeps saying disconnected and will not connect

  4. Ben says:

    I’m having trouble connecting to the optimizer. It is disconnecting me consistently.

  5. Keith Hall says:

    Trying to get into the projection tool, I’ve cleared cache, tried incognito browser, different browser, and still says disconnected from server.

  6. Jay says:

    Why does the gold mining app still say week 0?

  7. Jordan says:

    When can we use the accuracy tab for weeks 1 & 2?

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