2021 Projections Now Available
88We have updated our Shiny App and API with projections for the 2021 fantasy football season and incorporated them into our new and improved UI experience. The projections incorporate our balanced “wisdom of the crowd” approach and have been the most accurate projections over the last several years. The data from previous years is also available to compare the accuracy of our sources.
You can access the Projections tool via the app here:

Our gold mining chart can be used during a draft to compare ADP to projections to find undervalued and high upside players as well as in-season to pick a winning lineup. For instructions on how to use the app, see here. We also have a Draft Optimizer tool (see here). See our articles on how to win your Snake Draft and Auction Draft. We will be updating the projections as the season approaches with more sources of projections.
In order to access the most advanced features of the app, you will need a subscription to FFA Insider. A FFA Insider subscription will allow you to save unlimited custom settings, download historical projections, examine the accuracy of historical projections, and more.
We also have an API that you can use to access our projections. You can find more information about our API here.
Do not see under Settings, Receiver, with “all position” button off the value entry points for my league’s scoring?
Your Floor_VOR is higher than your Ceiling_VOR for some players
And the scales seem different than the Points_VOR
Can’t get the IDP players to show for the 2021 season just offensive player projections.
Thanks for doing these again, but is there no way to download the raw projections this year?
Will individual stat categories (receptions, yards, tds, etc.) be viewable/downloaded this year?
Has anyone been able to save their league settings? The app crashes every time I attempt to put in custom scoring.
I’ve also been having trouble saving my league settings.
Same here
Is there a way to download the Salary amounts? I saw them listed in the Lineup Optimizer, but not in the downloadable projections.
Ravens QB Lamar Jackson is missing from projections
cant download raw data this year??
Love this website, keep up the good work!!.thank you
Loving the site for years, good work! Unfortunately, I’m having difficulties with the new app. I am wondering how the changes in data sources (Yahoo, numberfire, NFL, …) are impacting player points. Not much happening after update 🙁 Is it possible to access player points by each source?
When do you guys expect to have the custom league settings available?
Our web developers are working hard to update our app and resolve existing issues in the league settings area. We should have some updates pushed by the end of this week. Hopefully, everything will be up and running properly early next week (Aug 9-10).
Thank you for your patience.
Customer Support Representative
Fantasy Football Analytics
Nice work getting the customization up! Thanks so much.
How come you guys don’t have fantasypros automatically weighted into your projections? Going with the wisdom of the crowd approach, doesn’t adding fantasypros (which is wisdom of the crowd itself) make your projections even more accurate?
I enjoyed this site for so long, but I would really just appreciate a public or even private comment on when the many issues above will be resolved. My draft is in 2 weeks and I need to know if I can rely on FFA or not or just move on.
Thank you for taking the time to post about our website. We are aware of the issues with the league settings functions. Our web developers are working hard to resolve these issues as we upgrade our app now available in beta. We should have some updates completed by the end of the week, and things should be back up and running properly early next week (Aug 9-10). Thank you for your patience. Here is a link to our new app.
Noah@FFA Team
Customer Support Representative
Fantasy Football Analytics
Noah, My draft is Labor day Weekend. I am getting very antsy about whether I can be able to use FFA this year. While my email to you 5 days ago noted that I was at least able to enter my league’s scoring settings finally, I was unable to save those settings as the button was greyed out nor :”Save as a New League”. Also when I looked at the projections with my league’s point system all player positions were incorrect. As someone else asked here in the comments it would be nice if you were to announce whether or not your software will be a go or not so that I and others can plan accordingly. please don’t leave us short.
We have been working hard to develop and upgrade our product recently. Subscribers should be able to save new leagues with their own league settings and view altered projections.
Good Morning – love the layout of the new app. However, it does not appear that any changes made to the settings affect the scraped projections. They continue to be whatever they were when the app was first loaded. Thanks!
Hey there, will custom league settings, specifically Point Per First Down, be available in the app with the upcoming updates? Thank you.
Hi, I am having the dreaded disconnected from server issues that have plagued this site for years. Is this an outstanding known issue or is this something new (again)? I have used Chrome and Edge, plus private windows in both, plus two browsers on an android phone. Every browser does this. Each log in is a little different as to when it happens, but the site is unusable because it always happens quickly.
Sorry for the frustrations you have been experiencing. We have been working hard to improve and develop our app now available in beta. With recent updates, we have seen improvements with disconnections. Give it another try and let me know how it works for you. Thank you for your patience.
The new app looks great! Similar to previous versions, is it possible to load projections based on custom scoring without saving them or does that require a subscription now? Thanks!
Agree with everyone, the new app looks great. But also wondering how to get the full raw projections. For example, salary is no longer available in the projections download. Is this only available in the subscription profile? Would be great to see a comparison between the free and subscription features.
We have been working hard to approve and develop our app. Raw original data is not available at this time, only our stats are available.
@Noah, thanks for the update. Raw data has been critical for me in years past. Is this change permanent, or might you have raw data available to us sometime before (or even during) the season? Critical to know, so I can look for other (inferior) sources instead. Thanks
In the optimizer, how do you undo a lock/exclude?
Hi, I really enjoy the site, thanks for making it available. One thing– changing the VoR baseline values seems to have no effect on VoR projections, e.g., if I set the VoR baseline for all positions to 0 but kickers to 100, the VoR values don’t change in the projections. Is this a bug or am I missing something? thanks.
Will you be able to download the raw data like we had in the past with all of the different stats broken out?
What about IDP players? Is this still in the works for this year, or have you changed the projection process and left those features out?
For IDP players go to settings and you can add in the projections for DL, LB, DB under ‘positions’.
Hello! Can’t wait for the next ff season.
With the old UI you could select players as they were drafted and enter the amount that was bid on them. If you selected them to your team it would update the lineup optimizer. This has been a great tool that I have used in my drafts in the past. However, with the new UI I don’t see those features? Will they be available soon?
This was the best feature! Is it coming back?
I agree, by far the best feature. Since they took away this feature and the ability to download the projections then I’m not sure that there’s any real value to using the app. I’ve loved using this app in years past and I would pay for the features, but I don’t understand just pulling them completely in order to fit things into a new UI.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to build and develop our new app now in beta. Projections are downloadable for paid subscribers. If you have any further questions, please email us at sales@fantasyfootballanalytics.net
Where are the Auction Values?
If you are logged into the app, you can change the settings for your league, then click on auction settings on the right, adjust the cap to fit your league and download the custom cost template. You should receive a spreadsheet with your adjusted values given your salary cap.
I expect floor_vor < points_vor < ceiling_vor, but this is only true in about 1/3rd of the cases. Is this an error in the data?
Hello Matt,
In my review, the columns and data appear to be accurate. Thanks for the question. Enjoy the season.
I have the same experience for VOR, yet Points show no such inconsistency. Please re-test as this is occurring.
Is rank vs ADP diff no longer available? I loved filtering by this in years pasts to find value picks that I could wait a round or two on even though they had a higher VOR.
ADP is not available at this time on our site. This is a stat that is widely available from a variety of sources.
Please include ADP in data if possible. This is a valuable feature and seeking this data point from other sources is a significant inconvenience at best and unworkable at worst.
Are there still issues with the projections? There seems to be some players that are ranked very low and looking at other VOR sites wouldn’t be as low.
Also it seems like KB noted, changing the VOR baseline values seem to have no effect.
The stats we provide take into consideration a variety of sources, a wisdom of the crowds approach. So you will see differences compared to other specific sites.
can you see & download raw data for all players when logged in? I still cannot
Depends what you mean by raw data. In previous years I would download raw projected stats for every player, so that is what raw data meant. Now FFA is only allowing us to download projected points, based on a scoring system. SO, that means raw data to me now.
I am able to download all of that “raw data” now (projected points and some other data) when I’m logged in. If you are only seeing a certain amount of rows for a given position that can be adjusted settings.
You can also store a custom scoring system now, so although you can’t get the actual weighted average stat projections like you could in the past you can get solid projected fpts for your league.
I believe in the past there was a toggle on the “Download” button, where you could download either raw data (stats for every player) or projected points based on a preset scoring system.
Here’s big vote for the former data set (stats for every player) to return. Immensely useful to combine it with the customized scoring system of my league in a separate manipulate-able spreadsheet. I’d be willing to subscribe for it. Please let us know! Thanks
Thanks for taking the time the post your question. The raw data isn’t currently available in the new app now available in beta. It might be something we look at in the future, but currently our stats are what is available.
I am a longtime user, but now keep getting a “disconnected from the server” message each time I try to log in. This has happened on two separate machines after verifying script on and no ad block. Is it working fine for all, or a temporary issue?
We have been working hard to develop and improve our product recently. Give it another try and let us know how it works for you.
Would be great to see an update to the forecast accuracy study.
This is something we are working on updating and hope to be able to provide in the future. Thanks for the feedback.
Figured out that I have to use Chrome — Safari was acting nuts.
But my projection data doesn’t include costs!!! Why that change?
If you log in and adjust the settings to fit your league, you will then want to adjust the auction settings on the right tab, then download the custom cost template. This will give you adjusted costs for players.
Does the auction lineup optimizer work for anyone? All I get is a list of the highest priced players at each position, not limited by salary cap.
appears to be working now.
Is there no way to download auction costs anymore? Those adjusted salary numbers were so useful, and with the app essentially unusable (if you lock or select a player, they either disappear or there is no way to unlock them) having this would be great.
Is there anyway to reset the players that are locked? I tried to log out in order to reset the app completely to replenish the players but that didn’t work. Also, the previous app had you input the actual auction price you paid when you selected (or “locked) a player for your team. This doesn’t appear to be an option now. You have to keep your own tally?
Have you found a workaround to this? I’m working through my draft prep, and I noticed this defect as well.
I’ve been supporting this site for years, so it’s really disappointing to see all the problems people are having with the new app.
New app looks great but would be cool if we could still download the raw stat projections
Sorry that the raw data isn’t available at this time. We are providing numerous columns of FFA statistics.
Thanks Noah, but could you please provide concrete guidance. Does “at this time” mean that raw data a) will be available shortly (perhaps even before week 1), or b) is no longer a product offering of FFA for the foreseeable future? Thank you
I’ve seen two previous comments about “changing the VOR baseline values has no effect” but I haven’t seen a response yet. I’m having the same issue. Any insights or resolution would be appreciated.
We are continuing to update our app and have pushed some updates to address the VOR values. Let us know how it is working for you now. You can reach us at sales@fantasyfootballanalytics.net
Is it possible to please include the ADP information from the app table in the downloadable raw data file? Thanks!
I agree, it would be nice to include this column in the downloadable file since it’s already available on the website data table.
Great new look to the website by the way FFA guys! I’m not getting any “disconnected” error messages randomly appearing like I have in years past
I see a data point labeled PPD in the downloadable projections, can you confirm what this is? Also in years past there used to be an experience column, is that no longer available?
It’s “Points Per Dollar” – I figured this out by testing the calcs in Excel; no guidance/description provided by ffa team
Is the new role that you have to be an insider to download the full season projections? I was able to get it last week but now it is greyed out with a prompt to become an insider?
Hello Jim,
Yes some elements of the site are restricted for subscribers including saving custom settings and downloads.
Is putting the option to download the points projections to excel behind FFA Insider intentional? I would understand the raw projection stats being behind FFA Insider but having the option to download the numbers you already view for free on the site would be extremely helpful.
Hello Chris,
Some elements of our site are restricted to paid subscribers including saving custom leagues and dowdloading projections.
Even after subscribing I’m still unable to save custom league settings/scoring
Hello Michael,
I see that you have an active subscription, and you should now be able to save custom leagues. Email me at ffa.8.team@gmail.com if you have any further questions.
So is downloading projections now only available to FFA insiders?
Did you get rid of the player IDs inthe downloadable data? They were the Anchor for all my fantasy football madness 🙂 too many excel sheets are going to break
I see the player Id’s now. Thank you
can’t access draft app?
used to be able to select those draft by others and me and reduce remaining player pool
where is draft app now???
I’m able to save a custom league but can’t get an optimal lineup to appear. It simply says No Data Available in Table. When I choose one of the standard leagues, I do see an optimal lineup. Any suggestions for what I’m doing wrong? I am a subscriber.
Hello Dana,
Try logging out and back in, or using a private browser like incognito. If you need further assistance, send us an email at sales@fantasyfootballanalytics.net
Site currently not loading at all:
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We have been updating and building our app now available in beta. It is currently up and running and functioning as expected. Let us know if you have any further questions. You can reach us at sales@fantasyfootballanalytics.net
Great work with projections! Just curious if the team intends on providing “rest of season” projections or updates? I think that would be hugely valuable!
Hello Pablo, Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback. Providing rest of season projections is something we have discussed and are working on for the future.